def djb2_hash(s): hash = 5381 for c in s: hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + ord(c) # hash * 33 + c return hash & 0xFFFFFFFF # Ensure it's a 32-bit unsigned integer def generate_password(seed, chip_id): combined = (seed + chip_id)[:24] # Ensure the combined string is up to 24 characters hash_value = djb2_hash(combined) hash_str = f"{hash_value:08X}{hash_value:08X}" # Repeat the hash to ensure at least 16 characters return hash_str[:32] # Ensure the password is at most 32 characters if __name__ == "__main__": SEED = "letmelubeyou" chip_id = input("Enter the Chip ID in hex (e.g., 1A2B3C4D): ").strip() chip_id = chip_id.zfill(8).upper() # Ensure it's 8 characters, upper case password = generate_password(SEED, chip_id) print(f"Generated Password: {password}")