; PlatformIO Project Configuration File ; ; Build options: build flags, source filter ; Upload options: custom upload port, speed and extra flags ; Library options: dependencies, extra library storages ; Advanced options: extra scripting ; ; Please visit documentation for the other options and examples ; https://docs.platformio.org/page/projectconf.html [platformio] extra_configs = wifi_credentials.ini [env:d1_mini] platform = espressif8266 board = d1_mini board_build.filesystem = littlefs board_build.f_flash = 80000000L board_build.ldscript = eagle.flash.4m1m.ld monitor_filters = esp8266_exception_decoder monitor_speed = 115200 ;upload_protocol = esptool ;upload_speed = 921600 upload_port = upload_protocol = espota upload_flags = --auth=${wifi_cred.admin_password} build_flags= !python git_rev_macro.py -DSERIAL_DEBUG -DREMOTE_DEBUG ;-DWIFI_CLIENT -DCAPTIVE -DWIFI_AP_IP_GW=10,0,0,1 -DADMIN_PASSWORD=${wifi_cred.admin_password} -DWIFI_SSID=${wifi_cred.wifi_ssid} -DWIFI_PASSWORD=${wifi_cred.wifi_password} -DWIFI_AP_PASSWORD=${wifi_cred.wifi_ap_password} -DDEVICE_NAME='"Dark Emergency Timer"' -DFACTION_1_NAME='"GOF"' -DFACTION_2_NAME='"MILIZ"' -DFACTION_3_NAME='"KGG"' framework = arduino lib_deps = smougenot/TM1637@0.0.0-alpha+sha.9486982048 joaolopesf/RemoteDebug @ ^2.1.2 me-no-dev/ESP Async WebServer @ ^1.2.3 sstaub/Ticker @ ^4.2.0 adafruit/Adafruit INA219 @ ^1.1.1 robtillaart/I2C_EEPROM @ ^1.5.2 me-no-dev/ESP Async WebServer @ ^1.2.3