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3 Commits

3 changed files with 135 additions and 73 deletions

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@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ const configData_t ConfigData_defaults = {
"FACTION 1", // Faction_1_Name
"FACTION 2", // Faction_2_Name
"FACTION 3", // Faction_3_Name

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@ -15,7 +15,17 @@
DebugStatus_t DebuggerStatus[dbg_cntElements];
void processCmdDebug(String command);
// Funktionszeiger
typedef void (*CommandFunction)();
// Struktur zur Zuordnung von Commands zu Funktionen
struct CommandMapping
const char *command;
CommandFunction function;
void processCmdDebug(const char *command);
void Debug_formatCFG();
void Debug_formatPersistence();
void Debug_printSystemInfo();
@ -26,8 +36,97 @@ void Debug_dumpPersistance();
void Debug_ShowDTCs();
void Debug_dumpGlobals();
void Debug_printHelp();
void Debug_Reboot();
const char *uint32_to_binary_string(uint32_t num);
// Adapter-Functions for Debug-Commands
void adapterCheckEEPOM() { Debug_CheckEEPOM(false); }
void adapterCheckEEPOMFix() { Debug_CheckEEPOM(true); }
void adapterDumpEEPROM1k() { dumpEEPROM(0, 1024); }
void adapterDumpEEPROMAll() { dumpEEPROM(0, EEPROM_SIZE_BYTES); }
void adapterKillEEPROM() { writeSequentialToEEPROM(0, 1024); }
void adapterZeroEEPROM() { writeZeroToEEPROM(0, 1024); }
void adapterResetPageEEPROM() { MovePersistencePage_EEPROM(true); }
void adapterSaveEEPROM() { globals.requestEEAction = EE_ALL_SAVE; }
void adapterSetDebugPort() { SetDebugportStatus(dbg_Serial, enabled); }
void adapterCritDTC() { MaintainDTC(DTC_FAKE_DTC_CRIT, true, millis()); }
void adapterWarnDTC() { MaintainDTC(DTC_FAKE_DTC_WARN, true, millis()); }
void adapterInfoDTC() { MaintainDTC(DTC_FAKE_DTC_INFO, true, millis()); }
void adapterNotifyError() { Websocket_PushNotification("Debug Error Notification", error); }
void adapterNotifyWarning() { Websocket_PushNotification("Debug Warning Notification", warning); }
void adapterNotifySuccess() { Websocket_PushNotification("Debug Success Notification", success); }
void adapterNotifyInfo() { Websocket_PushNotification("Debug Info Notification", info); }
// Definition der Command-Mapping-Tabelle
const CommandMapping commandMappings[] = {
{"help", Debug_printHelp},
{"reboot", Debug_Reboot},
{"sysinfo", Debug_printSystemInfo},
{"netinfo", Debug_printWifiInfo},
{"formatCFG", Debug_formatCFG},
{"formatPDS", Debug_formatPersistence},
{"checkEE", adapterCheckEEPOM},
{"checkEEfix", adapterCheckEEPOMFix},
{"dumpEE1k", adapterDumpEEPROM1k},
{"dumpEE", adapterDumpEEPROMAll},
{"killEE", adapterKillEEPROM},
{"zeroEE", adapterZeroEEPROM},
{"resetPageEE", adapterResetPageEEPROM},
{"dumpCFG", Debug_dumpConfig},
{"dumpPDS", Debug_dumpPersistance},
{"saveEE", adapterSaveEEPROM},
{"dumpGlobals", Debug_dumpGlobals},
{"sdbg", adapterSetDebugPort},
{"dtc_show", Debug_ShowDTCs},
{"dtc_clear", ClearAllDTC},
{"dtc_crit", adapterCritDTC},
{"dtc_warn", adapterWarnDTC},
{"dtc_info", adapterInfoDTC},
{"notify_error", adapterNotifyError},
{"notify_warning", adapterNotifyWarning},
{"notify_success", adapterNotifySuccess},
{"notify_info", adapterNotifyInfo},
const size_t NUM_COMMANDS = sizeof(commandMappings) / sizeof(commandMappings[0]);
const char helpText[][64] PROGMEM = {
"help - Print this help text",
"sysinfo - System Info",
"reboot - System Reboot",
"netinfo - WiFi Info",
"formatPDS - Format Persistence EEPROM Data",
"formatCFG - Format Configuration EEPROM Data",
"checkEE - Check EEPROM with checksum",
"checkEEfix - Check and fix EEPROM with checksum",
"dumpEE1k - Dump the first 1kb of EEPROM to Serial",
"dumpEE - Dump the whole EEPROM to Serial",
"killEE - Kill the first 1024 bytes of EEPROM",
"zeroEE - Zero the first 1024 bytes of EEPROM",
"resetPageEE - Reset the PersistenceData Page",
"dumpCFG - Print Config struct",
"dumpPDS - Print PersistenceStruct",
"saveEE - Save EE-Data",
"dumpGlobals - Print globals",
"sdbg - Set debug port status",
"dtc_show - Show all DTCs",
"dtc_clear - Clear all DTCs",
"dtc_crit - Maintain critical DTC",
"dtc_warn - Maintain warning DTC",
"dtc_info - Maintain info DTC",
"notify_error - Send error notification",
"notify_warning - Send warning notification",
"notify_success - Send success notification",
"notify_info - Send info notification"
const size_t NUM_HELP_LINES = sizeof(helpText) / sizeof(helpText[0]);
// Überprüfen, ob die Anzahl der Commands und Hilfetext-Zeilen übereinstimmen
static_assert(NUM_COMMANDS == NUM_HELP_LINES, "Number of commands and help text lines do not match!");
* @brief Initializes the debugger by setting the initial status for different debug ports.
* Serial debug output is turned off.
@ -109,7 +208,7 @@ void Debug_Process()
@ -184,65 +283,22 @@ void Debug_pushMessage(const char *format, ...)
* @param command The debug command to be processed.
void processCmdDebug(String command)
void processCmdDebug(const char *command)
// Check the received command and execute corresponding actions
if (command == "help")
else if (command == "reboot")
globals.systemStatus = sysStat_Shutdown;
else if (command == "sysinfo")
else if (command == "netinfo")
else if (command == "formatCFG")
else if (command == "formatPDS")
else if (command == "checkEE")
else if (command == "checkEEfix")
else if (command == "dumpEE1k")
dumpEEPROM(0, 1024);
else if (command == "dumpEE")
else if (command == "killEE")
writeSequentialToEEPROM(0, 1024);
else if (command == "zeroEE")
writeZeroToEEPROM(0, 1024);
else if (command == "resetPageEE")
else if (command == "dumpCFG")
else if (command == "dumpPDS")
else if (command == "saveEE")
globals.requestEEAction = EE_ALL_SAVE;
else if (command == "dumpGlobals")
else if (command == "sdbg")
SetDebugportStatus(dbg_Serial, enabled);
else if (command == "dtc_show")
else if (command == "dtc_clear")
else if (command == "dtc_crit")
MaintainDTC(DTC_FAKE_DTC_CRIT, true, millis());
else if (command == "dtc_warn")
MaintainDTC(DTC_FAKE_DTC_WARN, true, millis());
else if (command == "dtc_info")
MaintainDTC(DTC_FAKE_DTC_INFO, true, millis());
else if (command == "notify_error")
Websocket_PushNotification("Debug Error Notification", error);
else if (command == "notify_warning")
Websocket_PushNotification("Debug Warning Notification", warning);
else if (command == "notify_success")
Websocket_PushNotification("Debug Success Notification", success);
else if (command == "notify_info")
Websocket_PushNotification("Debug Info Notification", info);
bool commandFound = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < NUM_COMMANDS; ++i)
if (strcmp(command, commandMappings[i].command) == 0)
commandFound = true;
if (!commandFound)
Debug_pushMessage("unknown Command\n");
@ -415,7 +471,7 @@ void Debug_ShowDTCs()
char buff_active[9];
// Header for the DTC display
Debug_pushMessage("\n timestamp | DTC-Nr. | status | severity\n");
Debug_pushMessage("\n timestamp | DTC-Nr. | status | debugval\n");
// Iterate through DTCStorage and display each entry
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < MAX_DTC_STORAGE; i++)
@ -439,31 +495,37 @@ void Debug_ShowDTCs()
strcpy(buff_active, "none");
// Display DTC information
Debug_pushMessage("%s %7d %8s %8d\n", buff_timestamp, DTCStorage[i].Number, buff_active);
Debug_pushMessage("%s %7d %8s %8d\n", buff_timestamp, DTCStorage[i].Number, buff_active, DTCStorage[i].debugVal);
* @brief Displays the help commands for debugging through Serial or WebUI.
* Each command is printed individually in a formatted manner.
* @brief Prints the help information stored in PROGMEM.
void Debug_printHelp()
char buff[64];
// Iterate through helpCmd and display each command
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(helpCmd) / 63; i++)
char buffer[64];
for (size_t i = 0; i < NUM_HELP_LINES; ++i)
// Copy a portion of helpCmd to buff for display
memcpy_P(buff, (helpCmd + (i * 63)), 63);
buff[63] = 0;
strcpy_P(buffer, (PGM_P)pgm_read_word(&(helpText[i])));
// Display the help command
* @brief Initiates a system reboot by setting the system status to shutdown.
* This function sets the global system status to `sysStat_Shutdown`,
* which will trigger a system reboot sequence.
void Debug_Reboot()
globals.systemStatus = sysStat_Shutdown;
* @brief Convert a uint32_t value to a binary string with nibbles separated by a space.

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@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ void GetConfig_EEPROM()
ConfigData.checksum = checksum;
uint32_t ConfigSanityCheckResult = ConfigSanityCheck(false);
uint32_t ConfigSanityCheckResult = ConfigSanityCheck(true);
MaintainDTC(DTC_EEPROM_CFG_SANITY, (ConfigSanityCheckResult > 0), ConfigSanityCheckResult);